Thursday, June 24, 2010

Att; Rat Alert Notifier

Goups Owner 's Please Read
Wouldn't it be nice to see the Notices stop I know i would love to see them stop
Why do they do them
Well simple They have something to hide and they are the biggest one's of them
all to steal then Tell or Yell Rat alert because you the good guys busted them .
They go in and order then reup and share with words or with gif's them of copy rights
and re package the zip file .
What's worse is these same people who yell RAT Alert and spread it around from
god knows where .They are the one's sitting there with more then one blog and stores
in there names .Now that takes the cake .And the iceing too .I've sat here and watched and listen
and watch so many of these socall people say RAt RAT alert then they take the items them selfs and use it or redo it .then put it in a kit and sell it .

Talk about your Rat in my eye's you all are RAT's included the one's that hide behind
RAt Alerts notices .They are the worst kinds and needs there hands slap the most.

If you Really want to talk RAT alert what about the money your not paying
on Taxes Don't you think that's wrong.

Talk about the RAT

Since The Good people are named RAts
What would be nice to see All stores have a
Rat's Sale in Honor of the good guys who do turn in the shares .

Then for the Priates leave them out .